Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Much Ado About Nothing

It's funny. A few days ago I was certain it was the end of the world as we know it. Then I realized that today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Corny clichés aside, it's funny how quickly life can change with a little bit of perspective. I don't know why I thought the world was going to end. It was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, an unknown dread that something terrible was going to happen. The whole day, I was expecting...something...that never materialized. A phone call, a confrontation, a bus, I don't know. But the point is, nothing happened, it was just a silly melodramatic moment. And today, I woke up feeling great. As if nothing could touch me. I don't know. I certainly don't understand it. I think I survived certain death, and I'm not just talking about the Shakespeare exam I wrote a few days ago.

I haven't thought about my trip much in the past month. I have pretty much gone as far as I can without my visa (which will hopefully magically appear in my hands before I leave). I'm in my last week of my bachelors degree, and am pretty much just focused on passing the course (a decent grade will be an added bonus!). Once I write my final next Monday, I will be able to give my trip the attention it deserves. Until then, I'm just holding on for dear life.

I was thinking about having a fund-raiser or something before I leave. However, after doing a little research, it would probably cost more money then I would raise (or, if it went well, I would just break even). It was a bit disappointing to realize that, considering my current financial state (at the moment, dire), but in the end, it will probably be for the best. A fund-raiser would've just been an added stress. Instead, I think it will be a better idea to just throw a going-away picnic or something, and have everyone else stress about food and refreshments! Plus, it will be good to have one last hurrah before I leave, possibly FOREVER.

Anyway, I have things to do and places to be. Hope everyone is well.

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