Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Drowning in Cuenca

It`s been raining for a week. And I`m not talking about just a little rain. I`m talking rivers flooding, mudslides over highways, eternally wet clothing rain. The kind where sometimes you have to put your hand over your mouth so you can take a breath. The kind that after the first five minutes, the water on the street is coming up over your shoes. My one pair of jeans are so constantly wet, they`ve started to mold. I`ve started wearing flip flops because all of my shoes are squelchy and my socks are soaked within seconds of putting on shoes. The wooden front door has sopped up so much water, it has swollen shut, and I have a minor panic attack/spaz everytime I try to get in or out (can anyone say "fire hazard"?). And I`m oh so tired of it!!

The thing about living on the equator is that sometimes the rainy season comes multiple times in a year (I think global warming also has a hand in it as well...). So, even though I arrived in Cuenca in September to rain everyday for a month, that wasn`t enough for Ecuador. The torrential downpours apparently will continue on for the next few weeks.

Can`t wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just make sure they are over before we get there!
